YoMamaCoin, Insult Based Digital Currency Finally Released

Lobtcndon – With Bitcoin continuing to make inroads as a global digital ‘crypto’ currency for everyday transactions, numerous alternative ‘altcoins’ have also sprung up with more niche purposes. This week saw the launch of what has been described as the world’s first insult currency – YoMamaCoin, a currency designed to publicly lambaste, insult, shame and deride people. The coin, which currently trades for mere fractions of a cent, allows users to quantify how much insult they wish to throw at any one entity. “Say for example you want to shit all over someone with digital insults, you simply send YoMamaCoin to their bitcoin address, and it will appear publicly. Everyone will be able to see how much YoMamaCoin they are accruing and thus, how much insult they are earning from the world,” said the YoMamaCoin team.

While the current system requires that whomever you want to insult with the shaming currency hold a bitcoin address, a public address that anyone can view the contents of, the Yo Mama team say that an easier system will be in place soon. “Soon you will be able to create an account for anyone – so for example, if you want to tell Kanye West how crap he really is, you can create a Kanye West account on our site, and then the whole world can get on with sending millions of YoMamaCoins to it, thus finally measuring the age-old question, of just how shit some celebrities are.” However small the real value of the coins the total value for some, such as Kanye West may add up to sizeable sums. To deal with that, YoMamaCoin is encouraging those who are truly hated on in mass, to donate their YoMamaCoin to charity. The YoMamaCoin team said, “we think we give the world the opportunity to insult easier while supporting good causes at the same time.”

YoMamaCoin currently trades as YMC on several exchanges online.